Art Post: Pre-Internet Work

This is a back-dated post!

In 2016 I dug out my old sketchbooks, and among them I found a few of my old, pre-internet art. These date from around 1996-1997.
The majority of it is either X-Men fanart, or X-Men inspired – that’s what I was super into at the time. But first we start with Grendel:

Grendel, from Beowulf. This was done for an English class, and it was the very first time I used the computer to colour my own art. Anytime a class an art-based assignment or the opportunity to do art for extra credit, I was all over it.

The next set were some original characters I made up for an X-Men team similar to something like Generation X or The New Mutants. I don’t remember much about these.

I do remember there were about 8 characters, and I found much more material than what I have presented here — I just took photos of the interesting stuff.

I like that I have noted “Good hands!” on this one. LOL. I was optimistic.

Some of these, the ink has faded down to a green. That makes me feel really old.

Ok so maybe it was 12 characters?

One of the things I didn’t take a photo of it was a giant, 2 page spread like it was the front and back of an X-Men comic with all of my characters fighting Onslaught. I was so freaking proud of that thing back then, but that was one I decided not to take a photo of, it was embarrassing LOL
Ok well here’s PART of it… LOL

One more.

Moving on…

An old Wonder Woman probably circa 1997, done in ink and with two marvelous ink smears LOL

Dark Phoenix! Another very early drawing coloured in photoshop – I likely did this in 97 as well, scanned in and coloured. The photo is a picture a print, it was taped into the sketchbook next to the original drawing.

Magik/Darkchilde, also 97 likely. It looks like I probably used a reference for this, it’s too good to be straight up me LOL