Art Post: The Super Freak Out 3 – Part 3

More scans of my vacation sketchbook!

My two characters Falco and Okechi, and then Piper and Qudiar’s colour blocks at the bottom.

I did this on our last day in Orlando ! PIper at Disneyworld. Just a goofy, quick thing. I got the castle off one of our shopping bags.

Britan and Ocha, an extremely freaky Piper as a powerpuff girl (“I’m the stuff of nightmares! Whee!”), a little piper right next to it, a frolicking tiger, and a little stick person saying, “I hate babies” … LOL

Another colouring page, this time of Poch… uh… Pochahontas? Can’t remember how to spell that !!
Guy (John Smith?): God I’m ugly
Pochi: It’s a big, bright beautiful tomorrow…

I think we were in Orlando when Tomb Raider opened. I’ve never played any of the games, so my only reference for Lara Croft is two fanarts I’ve done in the distant past. So sorry if things are off. And… LOL she had a breast reduction when the marker slipped.
I did this one in the Orlando airport. They kept pushing our flight back because of the lightning, so I had nothing to do. Little kids kept coming over and watching me, it was very disturbing.

Ash coloured this one too, so I wanted mine to look different. I made Rafiki neat colours XD Like I said on the cover picture, at the time I was planning on putting these up on the wall with the rest of the kids’ pictures. Our dads suggested I scribble my name like I did, LOL. I actually like this pic… :] I mean, the colouring XD

Since my bday present to Tanja was so late, I just wrote Happy Un-Birthday on it! Yep, it’s Lockhart from Harry Potter. I really could have used a ruler while drawing this, but they don’t carry those on airplanes.
Ash and I were singing, “Gilderoy, Superstar!” (ala, Jesus Christ Superstar) so I just had to toss those girls from the end of the movie in there. I love those outfits, with the white wigs and the fringe… *giggle*
Anyway, happy belated birthday, happy un-birthday, happy early birthday (take your pick) Tanja!! XD

Same deal with this one as the other colouring book pages. I think this one least of all the ones I did, but I didn’t want to waste my blues on that water :]

I did this while my mom was in foot surgery LOL I used to love Gundam Wing… back before I actually watched it, LOL. I always liked how a lot of fanart and doujinshis had Duo with little bat wings (and heero with angel wings), so that’s what those stupid looking black things are on his back -_-