Art Post: The Super Freak Out 3 – Part 5!

More of my vacation sketchbook!

Text: “funilukin” “In case I grow an extra arm” “independantly stupid”
I know I misspelled independantly again… I misspelled it when I wrote it in my book, so I probably did it again. I doodled ocha at dinner, then decided to go ahead and finish it. I originally planned for Quidar to be in there too, but I ran out of room.

I asked my cousin what he wanted me to draw, and he said Sakura using the Thunder card. It’s not finished… bleh. I’m not happy with it. I’ll probably erase it and start over.

Odd, the 2 senshi I drew and finished from my beach trip last year were the same 2 I did this year, Jupiter and Mars. I asked my cousin which one I should draw and he said Mercury. I said NO, pick another, and he said Mars. The fire turned out crappy, oh well. I also drew his 2 fav game characters, Link and Cloud. Gosh I wish I had references with me at all times!
(oh, I scanned this pic upside down, since the mars was upside down on it. Since that was the major part of the pic, I figured I’d better !)

my fav pic I did over the beach vacation, harry and the dragon from book 4. this looks much better in real life, I’m afraid ! odd, most of the crayon things turn out OK scanned…

Piper and Ocha at the beach… I had a great time watching everybody try to use these skim boards at the beach… especially when they wiped out XD that’s what this is a pic of… all the colouring on ocha and piper is done, but I still have to do the water and sand ><; And try to fix Madison’s funky feet.

My cousin told me to draw Lina Inverse. That’s a tough one, I’ve only drawn her 3 times, and all those times were ages and ages ago. But I thought I could fake it, and I think I did ok. Her outfit seems to be a mix of her movie outfit and regular outfit… whatever !

I finally gave in and drew a small sailormercury for my cousin… doesn’t look much like her tho. Also my character Lir (looking very odd in the face), and what-is-going-to-be a little “postcard” of Piper and Indy at the beach (“wish you were here!”). Mercury is inked, the rest is still pencil. I may try to finish this someday…

I did this at the atlanta airport, planning on finishing the colour on the plane between atlanta and memphis. But, well, this lady took my window seat (I was supposed to be in F, but when I got there she was sitting in it. I didn’t say anything just because she’d said nice things about my art while we were sitting in the airport, I’m a pushover), so I was stuck with the aisle. I couldn’t really draw because of the cramped space (I would have kept hitting the guy in the middle with my elbow if I had… not like he gave me the same consideration tho). So I *tried* to sleep, but it didn’t work. I ended up getting a headache that stuck with me all night, but the ride ended up being much, much shorter than I expected.
ANYWAY. It’s Harry. It’s a boring picture, really. I’m not liking it much, his posture is very stiff and unnatural. I might try to finish it one day.

Graine — not much else on this page. This was a bday present to elaine!!