Art Post: Padme

For one of my school projects this semester. After totally finishing it I got worried about her leg… I started second guessing myself and thinking it was too short. I actually went in and lengthened her leg and saved it as a separate file and made my dad come and look at them. He said the original looked fine and more interesting than the one with the lengthened leg so… this is the original…
I guess I should explain what this project is. I keep referring to it and never saying what it is. This is actually for my Literature class. All of our “regular” non-art related classes try their best to bring in art in someway (like our art history II class, our final exam was to take any pic out of our book and redo it in a different style). So this semester our final project that we have to work on all semester is basically “Do something you’ve always wanted to do.” We also have to write a long artist’s statement about it, why we’ve always wanted to do it, etc. I picked something completely ridiculous – something I probably won’t have time to finish but I could probably just turn these two in and it would be OK. I’m doing character designs for a Star Wars fighting game. So here’s Amidala, 1P. (2P, if I ever get around to it, is her burgundy battle outfit at the end of Episode I.)