Leia Ewok art

Weird day. My computer went down with a virus this morning, so I left it home running antivirus stuff… Chase got home and fixed it for me, everything seems to be good now. But it’s always weird not to have my computer at work, plus Kevin had today off so it was really quiet in the office.
I worked a lot tonight and I finally feel like I’m accomplishing something. I think that’s mostly because I made my collar in one go last night and got it attached with no issues, which is a huge achievement for me lately. I seem to be having to remake most everything. But with that done that just leaves the belt and attaching the front piece and the waistband to Jane, and stitching the lace onto the parasol.
My ms Marvel boots are done. They’re not perfect but they’re done and that’s all I care about. Tomorrow I’ll finish stitching the lightning bolt on the front, then machine sew it down, then I can get the suit put together and finished. I realised the red fabric I had for the sash had two big holes cut in the middle of it so I don’t quite have enough, I’ll have to run to the fabric store tomorrow (or hopefully Chase can on his lunch) and pick some more up.

today’s princess… is Leia 🙂

I’ll be wearing my version of that at the con next week (next week! can’t believe how it’s snuck up.)… and then either the new Wonder Woman or Scarlet Witch. I’m iffy on shipping the Scarlet Witch crown/mask thing. I was considering Sally Jupiter (since @LindenAsh was voting for it) but with the realisation I’d have to pack a separate box to protect the wig I don’t think I have room.
I figure it’ll come down to how I feel when I’m packing this weekend. Who knows, I may throw them all out and wear something crazy like I dunno Hild or something.