moo cards!

My mini moo cards came yesterday! They have them in a neat new box. I felt kinda sad having to just tape them to boxes, but I got about 20 extra to hand out at cons – not that I ever handed any of my original 100 out – but hopefully I’ll remember them at dcon this year.

They came today :) These are what I'm using on the front of my new costume bins, but I had enough space leftover to make a few new ones to hand out at cons :)
I put as many of them on as I could last night, and was a little worried that I had so many I haven’t seen/put in boxes yet. Probably around 20 costumes. But, most of them are smaller things, things that I can probably fit 5 or 6, maybe even upwards of 8 in one box… even so, I may have to start putting the bins on the top shelf of the closet which I hadn’t wanted to do, I wanted to save that for my TK armor, oversized, etc. But we gotta do what we gotta do.

today’s princess is Padme.