Spent all day running… and Padme art

Got up this morning and went to the mall. Then to Target. Then to Best Buy. Then to Hastings (comics!). Then to Lowe’s. Then back home for a few – then to the airport to drop Tom off. Then to Hancock’s (bought Lady Gaga fabric, new thread holder, yay memorial day coupons). Then to Lowe’s (again). Then to… the zoo.
Chase rented a ginormous lens for his camera so he wanted to get some use out of it before he had to return it, so he wanted to go to the zoo. By the time we got there it was 4:30, half hour til they close the gates. Once they close the gates you have an hour til they kick you out LOL… so we had an hour and a half, which was actually plenty of time for what we wanted to see, and the crowds had thinned out due to the rain… plus the rain cooled everything off so it wasn’t sweltering hot, so the animals were up and about! We had fun, checked out the new Teton Trek and whatnot.
So we were pretty exhausted when we got home. I made mac and cheese and now we’re watching a movie and just relaxing.

today’s princess is Padme…