FAQ Friday: Repair Kit

Today’s question is…
What’s in your repair kit?

My repair kit is pretty subjective to the costumes I’m taking; I tend to think of what can go wrong on this costume, and make sure I bring stuff to repair it if need be. My husband also carries a completely separate repair kit of his own, and I never know what’s in that, LOL.

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Here it is in it’s post-Dragoncon glory. Right around Dragoncon it’s pretty complete, because I’m getting ready to go/have just come back and everything is in there. Otherwise I start taking stuff out and using it, so there’s probably stuff missing. So – here’s everything that is in it…

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1. Mini sewing kit.
The one shown is one of my tiny ones because my big one is currently MIA…
I often have 2 or 3 of these – one little one in my makeup kit, the purple one shown is usually in my repair bag and then I also have my “big” one somewhere in my stuff. The “big” one is a little box that has about 50 miniature spools of different colour threads, a pin cushion, needles and scissors. It’s pretty handy. The scissors that come with these kits will do in a pinch, but, see #12.

2. Pros-Aide/Pros-Aide remover
I don’t use this for a lot of costumes but I keep a back-up in my repair kit, and the remover is a decent general make-up remover as well in case I forget my own (though it’s a little harsh, but it’ll do in a pinch).

3. Bag o’ velcro
Both sticky-back and sew-on. I prefer the industrial, but a lot of it is in the bag is left-over pieces from projects, and it’s handy in case I realize I need a little more support for a costume piece, or I get there and realize I forgot to put the velcro on (it happens). I prefer to have time to use the sew-on, but the sticky back will do if I’m in a hurry.
There’s also a random box of velcro in there that’s been in there for years and I don’t know how/why it’s there but it is.

4. Glue gun and glue sticks
My glue gun is also MiA in the photos, because it’s the first thing I’ll usually need out of there after a con.
But, sometimes I even take two glue guns, plus a whole bag of sticks. It’s a must for quick repairs.

5. Spirit gum
I frigging hate Spirit gum. I haven’t used it in years, I hate it so much. But, I have a tiny bottle I keep around just in case. You never know.

6. Random elastic
This one is a little weird but I always carry some with me. I hardly ever use it, but it’s been a life-saver a handful of times.

I keep a little card of sew-on snaps in there as well. While it’s not as handy as throwing some tape, hot glue or sticky-back velcro on something, if I have time to sit down and sew a snap on, I’d rather do that.

8. Tapes, all sizes and sorts.
Lots of tape. Lots. I use double-stick toupee tape a lot, so that’s a must (I prefer actual toupee tape as opposed to hollywood tape). Black gaffer’s tape has made an appearance in many, many quick con repairs and of course regular duct tape. My gaffer’s tape is missing because it’s usually in my husband’s repair bin these days.

9. Moleskin
This really borders on not really being “repair” – but I have a role of moleskin I keep in there just in case I forget to put some in my medicine bag. Lifesafer when it comes to uncomfortable costume shoes/blisters.

10. Clear bra straps
I always carry a pair in case something snaps. They can be easily whip stitched into place to hold a costume up.

11. Random leather strips and floral wire
I haven’t needed the wire in years but it still stays in there; I like the spool of leather lacing for tieing something on without looking too out-of-place on the costume. Also good back up for corset lacing in case my original lacing breaks/gets lost/forgotten.

12. Scissors/X-acto knife
While I don’t take one of my pairs “good” fabric scissors with me, I do take a nice sharp little pair for quick sewing repairs, since as I said above, sometimes the little plastic things that come with sewing kits aren’t A+. I also take a larger craft pair for cutting velcro or tape, etc. My husband says take an x-acto knife, too; that’ll be in his kit, though – I prefer scissors!

13. Safety pins, all sizes.
I buy one of those packs of safety pins at the fabric store and just stick the whole thing in my repair kit. If possible I also try to stick two or three hidden somewhere on my costume in case I need it when I’m out at the con, or if someone else needs them.

14. Glue
Besides a hot glue gun, I also take regular glue as well, in case of prop or armor repairs. My husband says his “must” glue is hobby grade super glue with kicker. As you can see I have the E-6000.

15. Touch-up Paint/brush
I don’t have any in my kit currently, but I did back at Dragoncon. If I painted anything on the project I take a little vial of the same colour with a brush in case it needs touch-ups. Paint pens are also good if it matches.

16. Felt/Leather scraps
Another one not shown, because this is one of my husband’s “musts” – he always carries felt or leather scraps, for holding things together. Combined with glue it makes a good backer. Seems legit.

17. Hair stuff
Ok I honestly really have no idea why this is in my repair kit because I have a whole separate bag for hair stuff – but I’m guessing this got tossed in as some kind of back-up. It’s got some clips and hair-bands and barrettes in it, and it’ll probably stay in there for no reason for the next few cons because why not.

So that’s my repair kit, the end.