Photopass Photos, plus some website thoughts

Uploaded my photo pass photos last night!

Meeting Jack and Sally:

Kevin’s face!! LOL Rose made this which Kevin was in stitches over:

Kevin and I in front of Pirates, being Captain Hook

Me in front of Haunted Mansion, with a ghost friend!

End of the night…

Kevin and I about to ride our fav!

Chase won’t ride it with me. When Kevin’s not there, I ride it by myself!

This is from Saturday when we literally walked into Epcot, took this photo, and left:

That was Epcot visit number 2 out of 3 to get the Annual Passholder cups LOL

Time to see Hoop dee Doo!

Food and Wine!

OMG it’s Remy!

Kevin looking like a total dudebro in his meeting with Aurora:


Kevin and Mulan hug!

I love the look on Elsa’s face LOL Kevin had just “revealed” he also has ice powers and Elsa was very concerned.

Elsa Hug!

Anna hug, this one is super cute.


Ok that’s all I got for now. Should have Chase’s pics soon.

I’m pretty much done with the blog archive updates — I’ve uploaded everything I’ve got, got everything tagged and marked with headers.

One of the things I did was dig WAAAY far back and find my pre-blogger posts. These were my “free talk” posts where I would literally just make a new HTML page as a journal entry. Somehow I still had all of these old HTML files backed up. Most of the ones I found are from 98/early 99 – I don’t know if I just stopped updating it throughout spring/summer 99 or I just don’t have those HTML files anymore. I switched over to blogger in late 99 and stuck with it through 2008 — though by 2008 it was mostly just me posting memes and surveys — I didn’t keep any of that stuff.

One of the problems I ran into in trying to post the old art was the fact that I never used either the free talk or my blogger as a place to post updates — it was literally just a journal for chatting with my friends and 95% of my art and site updates were posted in the “news” or “update” files which I did not feel like digging through. So what I did for the art files was to go back through the old art HTML files I had backed up — various incarnations of my portfolio pages over the years, as far back as when my site was “A Merry Good Page!” in early 1998. From there I pulled out dates and descriptions (and from there I realized how much of my art is missing), and used that info to create the “new” posts for the art posts. In a few cases I had to guess on dates, some there may be some discrepancies.

I also updated the actual “art” page here on the site, with a link directory to each of the categories I set up within the blog. So if you want to see the Harry Potter stuff, you can do that. I’m still going through and updating the headers – right now all the art posts have a generic header, but I’m slowly going back through and updating these as I can.

So that’s it for now. Go forth and read my embarrassing teenage blog posts if you really want to, and laugh at my old artwork.