My life is nothing but embroidery

I embroidered all weekend long. Like all day Friday non-stop while I had the day off. Found Unsolved Mysteries (the old Robert Stacks episodes!) on Amazon Prime and just dug in. All day Saturday, just stopped to run out to breakfast with my parents and a few errands (needed more embroidery floss).

Sunday morning I took a break to start pulling out my costumes for Visioncon.

That took a while.

I ended up with 14. Not going to wear them all, and I might drop one (Funeral Padme — I can’t find the pregnancy pillow. I’ve seen it somewhere weird recently but I can’t find it and I’m tired of looking.) Some of them will just be displayed on my dressform at my booth – I figure each time I change costumes I’ll bring a new costume down with me for the dressform. That way I’m kinda showing 2 at once.

Since I don’t really know the ebb and flow of this con it’s hard to tell what I’m going to wear and when. I’m kinda just playing it by ear.

I have a few things to repair — need to add a haircomb to my Anne hood, fix my Dolores wig, touch up my Leia belt, etc. Going to do that over this week and split it all up.

Oh and speaking of things I can’t find: I can’t find my mini moo cards anywhere. I had about 100 old cards I wanted to put out on my table for people to take. Last time I remember seeing them FOR SURE was my Las Vegas work trip back in 2014, I had them there with me and my boss kept asking me to show people my costume cards. I think they stayed in my purse for a couple of months after that pretty regularly. I scoured through all of my purses – no luck. I looked in the entry table drawers and our kitchen junk drawer (places things out of my purse often get tossed), no luck. The drawers in the living room coffee table where I tend to keep stuff like that – no luck. All over my sewing room, no luck. My nightstand, no luck. I have no idea where they have disappeared to and it’s very frustrating. I do have a set of 100 new cards coming but I’m worried that may not be enough. It might be, but I wanted those old ones as backup. So frustrating.

So anyway, back to Sunday. I embroidered all afternoon, ran a jacket over to my grandma (funny story — my aunt thought I had my grandma’s fur jacket — that long one I wore with Donna last year. So I took that jacket over to her. Turns out that was totally not her jacket and her jacket is a REAL mink fur jacket with her name embroidered on the inside. She had no idea what this faux fur thing I was bringing her was LOL. Total mixup!), went out for Cath and Nana’s birthdays for dinner and then back home to the grind.

So on the embroidery front, 1 good thing and 1 bad thing.

The bad thing was that I thought I was “almost” done with the large flowers across the bottom. I thought I’ll spend Friday morning finishing them up and then I can start going vertical on one of the other spires. Well guess what as of Tuesday afternoon I’m still not done with those freaking flowers. Turns out I had a lot more to finish down there and have literally worked on it all weekend. My only relief from that is knowing that the upper sections apparently don’t take near as long.

The good thing was that I finally figured out the shadow-stitching. Turns out my problem with it not looking right was because I was using an optic white thread. I went and got a natural white and NOW it looks right:

So Valentine’s tonight and this weekend and pretty much every free minute ever are being spent on this. No time to go see movies or take naps or play the sims. Nonstop embroidery.

Oh! I have been printing some art stuff for Visioncon! I’ll have some prints on my table for sale and whatever doesn’t sell I’ll bring home and list in my store. And speaking of which yesterday I went back and redid Leia and Rey so they match the later Han, Luke, Finn and Poe better.



Leia was just a matter of a recolor. I cleaned up the face a tiiiny bit but mostly left the linework as it was and just went deeper with the colouring.

Rey, on the hand, I did redraw the face totally.


I wasn’t terribly happy with the original face, it looked skewed and uneven, and I wanted it to look less cartoon-y.

I put the OT trio and the TFA trio together on one image and tonight I’m going to do 2 or 3 prints of them to sell at the con.
Maybe somehow I can also get my Rogue One trio done before then? Or maybe prequel trio. Won’t have time for both but 1 more set might be do-able.