
This is also some non-Sunday stuff, but it’s mostly Sunday.

I spent the morning being lazy because I was so tired (and sore) from Saturday. Chase actually got out and did some yard work. Then we went and had lunch, picked up stuff for dinner, ran some of dad’s equipment out to him (we loaded up in both our cars the night before).

Then I came to do the 3rd round of dyeing on my TFA Leia.

Here’s my lining material, had enough scrap I didn’t have to buy anything new!

Got my water going but then went to cut my real fabric out and realized I didn’t really have enough. I was like 1/4 yd too short. ARGH. But Chase came and helped me move stuff around and fold it differently and we were just able to eek out my 3 panels.

I don’t have any pics of any of this cuz it didn’t go well. First I brought my fabric into the kitchen, laid it on the counter… and when I picked it up to put in the dye, discovered a giant BLEACHED spot all over the bottom and neckline of one of the back pieces. Turns out Chase had sprayed kitchen bleach on the counter and forgotten to wipe it up. Thankfully the dye covered it up. But that’s the problem. The dye ended up being TOO dark this time. I think I overcompensated. UGH. I’ll try to remember to take a pic and instagram it later tonight.

But I’m picking up some dye remover to see if I can knock it down a hair, and some more blue in case I need to bring it back up. Fingers crossed this time.

Then i started feeling kinda sick and ended up doing nothing else that night. We ate dinner and I drew a little bit.

Not finished yet.

In other news…
Mom had someone give her a bag of Harry Potter stuff (after they saw her Gryffindor phone case LOL). She gave it to me and it’s awesome!!!

There’s some party supplies (plates, napkins, those little noisemaker things). A couple of COS-era plastic cups, an unlined journal (AKA sketchbook), a nice cloth Gryffindor bag, two rubber bracelets (one says Gryffindor and one says I <3 Harry Potter). Some temp tattoos, pins, magnets, a charm. My fav things are the crocheted snitch, a nice snitch keychain, and a really nice snitch bracelet.

Oh! And I forgot, there were some Harry Potter glasses in there too. I forgot I wore them for a while saturday and they ended up in my purse so they aren’t in the picture.

So that was cool.

I found this in my PS2 carrying case:

I used to collect movie stubs. I still have my “collection” but I stopped adding to it – I still find them in bags, pockets, etc meant to go into the collection. I kinda stopped once I realized that these movie stubs aren’t made to last – a lot of them the ink has completely faded and you can’t tell what they used to say. This was one was obviously saved to go in the collection but never made it there.

This is where Indy and Calvin are.

I need to get some flowers to plant over on Indy’s side.

Hi Kes!

Kes wore the Harry Potter glasses for a little bit on Saturday too.

My organza for the big pink fluffy thing came!

It’s pretty. I think I’m going to need more and if I do, I may buy a slightly different pink and mix them.

Also played around with my brunette wig I use for the pink georgian. Chase said I can do one white backdrop shoot next weekend and that’s the one I want to do, but I wanted to redo the wig first. I brushed it out, straightened it and recurled it.

This was mid-progress LOL I thought it looked funny so it was the only time I took a photo.

Still not totally sure what I’m going to do with it. I’ll figure it out this week I guess.

Ugh! That’s how I feel about everything right now. Just UGH!