wigs and dye and spider

Ugh… so over a year ago — almost two years ago now — I voluntarily changed my work schedule so I could be home earlier in the day but it meant getting up earlier. It was hard at first to get up an hour earlier than I normally did, but I figured I’d adjust. I have never adjusted. Every morning is like death.

But I won’t go back, I like still feeling like I have half a day to do stuff when I get off work.

SOOOOOOOOO I wasted $60 worth of nice linen on TFA Leia. I’ve had to scrap what I had. The last dye job that was splotchy (I mentioned that in my last post, right?) just made too much of a mess. I put it in some dye removed and it removed most of the dye but the unevenness was still apparent. I redyed it again hoping to would even out but of course it did not. At least I got the colour right the last time, but I’m going to have to go buy more fabric this weekend. POOP

So I switched gears last night to focus on something else for a while.

I dyed the satin for my pink fluffy thing:

And after the TFA Leia debacle it was soooooo nice to have something dye easily and nicely.

Here’s a before and after – on the left is a scrap of the original fabric. On the right is my dyed stuff.

Although I shouldn’t have had to dye it anyway. Why no fabric stores anywhere carried a basic pink satin is beyond me.

And here it is with my organza:

I think I’m going to order another set of organza in a slightly different pink to mix in with what I currently have.

I’m really hoping to make some good progress on this this weekend.

Back in Mon Mothma news, I still haven’t done anything with the necklace but the wig did come in yesterday, yay!

I reparted it quickly while I was wearing it but that makes the one side way too big and fluffy. Going to have to get it thinned out.

In other wig news I think I finished my Georgian Belle wig:

This is actually not the finished thing – after this photo I smooshed the top down a little and pulled the sides out a bit so it’s not so tall and skinny looking. It’s still a little more “formal” looking than I wanted but oh well.

So remember two weeks ago I mentioned I found that bag of fabric scraps in my parents attic and I threw it all away? Once of the scraps in there was some of the red vinyl I used for Misato in 2002 and when I picked the scrap up, it just fell apart in my hands – the vinyl was sticky and pulling off the back. I was hoping that was just because it had been in my parents un-airconditioned attic for 15 years. But I pulled Misato out the other day and…

She’s a MESS. Ruined! I wouldn’t have been able to stop this by packing it in tissue paper or anything, either – even in places where the fabric was naturally wrinkled/laying on itself, it stuck together and pulled part when I tried to undo it. The jacket is actually in better shape than the skirt. But they’re both covered in white specks where the vinyl pulled away. I’m going to try to get it shot this weekend before there’s nothing left.

So my biggest pet peeve IN THE ENTIRE WORLD is when something is not where it is supposed to be and now I can’t find it. The latest case is Kevin’s ANH Luke tunic. I already talked about this a few weeks ago when I first started looking for it, I had to assume it was buried in the prop room. Well we’ve gotten the prop partially cleaned out and I was able to get in there and really look, and…. nada. I went through the garage again. Went through my sewing room again. Our closet. The bathroom closet. Can’t find it. Chase joined in the search and we DID finally find the belt – it was up in my oversized bin of the costume closet. But still no tunic.

I decided to start my search over, since earlier I’d been keeping an eye for the belt and less for the tunic since I assumed they were together somewhere. So around 9:30 I ventured back into the garage again to hunt through the various bins, flash light in hand.

And right where I’d been standing a couple of hours early was the grossest, nastiest spider I have ever seen in my life.

I went and got Chase to kill it immediately and when we came out it was still there, but then in a split second it disappeared and Chase could NOT find it again. UUUUUUUUGH. I could not get spiders out of my brain the rest of the night, I kept feeling like they were crawling on me.

So when I go back in the garage to look again later today I will be covered head-to-toe. Boots, long sleeve shirt, gloves, pants, hat. GROSS GROSS GROSS

Anyway I really want to find it because A) his new tunic looks like 100x better than his old B) He’s only gotten to wear it once and C) I wanted to wear ANH Luke and Leia for this weekend’s event. Come on, tunic, I know you’re somewhere if the rest of the costume is!

Oh I have another before and after art! I had a Princess Leia from 1999 done the same way as the Amidala from the other day:

So I thought let’s redo that one too, it’ll certainly go much faster than Amidala did.

Turned out ok. I’m pretty happy with the face (click for larger):

I really need to like, go watch some youtube tutorials on digital painting. I am still stuck in 2003-2004 with everything I do.

I have utterly failed at getting my two swims in for this week. I’ve just been so tired… and also so frustrated with dyeing TFA Leia that I have just been coming straight home from work to deal with it. Maybe I can get them in this weekend.

Oh nearly forgot, finished the next movie in our AFI marathon:

Next is “The Last Picture Show.”