I have gazillion things to post

Wow I didn’t realize it had been so long since I last posted. Almost 2 weeks ago! So where to start…

We saw TLJ again on 12/17 with Ash and Gabe. I wore my Hoth Leia vest and boots and wore my hair braided up.

I was sitting on a bench in the lobby waiting on Chase and this little boy came up to me and said, “I love your outfit!” And I said thanks! And then he said, “I can’t wait to see those porgs in action!” I said me too. It was sooo cute.

Then we had a cookout for Ash’s birthday and played Cards Against Humanity. Fun stuff.

My RL Galactic Senate shirt came in:

Can you believe this is the first Rebel Legion shirt I’ve gotten since my Celebration 3 one in 2005? Haha.
(My most recent 501st one is actually a clonetrooper detachment shirt from 2007 I think. I’m not a clonetrooper obv. But I got it because Chase was the one who did the run.)

We actually decorated the outside of the house for Christmas.

We’ve had this little guy for years but haven’t decorated outside in… years.

Mickey Topiary:

I got a foam wreath shape at the hobby store, covered it in fabric, put our magic bands on it and added a bow:

I need a few more to fill in all the space.

Ran to Kroger one night and happened to park our SHIELD-mobile right near an Umbrella Corp car:

For Christmas I was off Friday-Tuesday. Friday was run some more errands before Chase got off work and then I didn’t really have anything to do. Didn’t feel like sewing, so…

I used what was left of my wool felting kit to make a tiny porg.

Luna thought it was a toy for her. I had to put it up on the mantle so she wouldn’t get it.

I guess it didn’t help that I kept taking pictures of her with it.

Saturday we had Kevin’s Christmas present – we took him to see Peter Pan at Playhouse! I’ve wanted to do this as his Christmas present for several years (they do it every Christmas), but this was the first year we finally did it. It was really good, I’d love to make it a yearly tradition.

Tree <3

Unfortunately Chase started feeling bad on Saturday. We skipped going out to dinner because he just wanted to go home. And then after we got out of the play my mom called to tell me Mema had tripped over their cat, fallen and fractured her knee cap and banged up her face.

We always have had Christmas Eve at Mema’s house (in Jackson), but this year we had switched it to my aunt’s house (here in Memphis). But because Mema couldn’t travel well, we moved it back to her house at the last minute. It worked out fine!

It was the usual craziness. Lots of fun. (And Mema had an appt with a specialist on tuesday – who said she did not need surgery for her knee and no cast, just a light brace and a walker for now. Yay!)

Christmas Eve is when Chase and I open presents. We watched Christmas movies and ate dinner then proceeded to gift opening… though amazon kinda messed up our presents. 3 of mine (from Chase) didn’t come in time. They did come today apparently so I guess I get them tonight.

Luna got a tunnel and she actually likes it!

Though it just gives her another place to lurk and attack ankles from.

I got the Forces of Destiny Rey I was missing, and some toys and some leggings. (And my parents got me the ANH Leia Forces of Destiny doll! But she said it won’t be in til Feb. I’m good w/waiting.)

Christmas morning we nearly overslept but managed to make it over to my parents’ house right on time. We had our usual Christmas morning breakfast and opened presents, Kes helped.


Then off to Kevin’s for our Christmas lunch.

Then back home to have the last bit of Christmas with Ash and Jean and Gabe.
Mac and Kes were both trying to help open all the presents.

Here’s a selection of stuff I got:

Star Wars salt and pepper shakers! BATB ornament!

This awesome circa 1972 sewing guide and a merpug print from Ash!


A unicorn journal with a crazy skull pen, CAH expansion and a Pizza Abduction pin!

And there’s a few more things I wanted to take pics of but haven’t yet. With Chase being sick and all the Christmas craziness I haven’t even really had a chance to go through everything and put it all away.

My girls:

Tuesday I did run to Joann’s to hunt for fabric. Didn’t find anything that really worked for what I was looking for but I did pick up some tafetta to line my new TFA Leia underdress with. And also this wrapping paper for next year:

Speaking of TFA Leia, my new underdress fabric came, it’s the more blue stuff on the bottom:

The greener fabric on top is the stuff I got at first that didn’t go with my underdress. I was going to send it back but decided to just keep it. Maybe it’ll come in handy some day.
Of course the lovely yellow light in my office makes both of these colours look gross but I swear they look pretty nice in person, haha.

And some art:

That’s all I got for now… well, actually I have a ton of Sims stuff but i’ll make that a separate post.